==================== Welcome to ManimLib2 ==================== ManimLib2 is inspired by `ManimLib `_ by Grant Sanderson of 3b1b. ManimLib2 facilitates the creation of mathematically preceise animations through an easy to use API. For example, the following code draws a rectangle and spins it as it flies across the screen. .. code-block:: # Create an instance of the animation engine m = Manim.iManim() # Create an object to animate rect = cmob.Rectangle([1,2]) rect.position = [-4,0] # Issue instructions to the renderer m.run( i.AddMobject('rect', rect), m.runParallel( i.MoveTo('rect',[4,0],duration=1.0), i.Rotate('rect', 2*np.pi,duration=1.0) ) ) # Play the rendered animation m.play_movie() See the :ref:`Quickstart ` for a quick introduction. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Table of Contents quickstart custom_mobjects API Reference Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`