Equations in Words: A Physics Writing-to-Learn Assignment
Dr. Marie Lopez del Puerto (mlpuerto@stthomas.edu)
Department of Physics, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

Boltzmann distribution example

1 Eric Mazur, Peer Instruction: A User’s Manual, Benjamin Cummings (1996).
2 Priscilla W. Laws, Workshop Physics, 2nd edition, Wiley (2004).
3 See for example: Charles Bazerman et al., Reference Guide to Writing
Across the Curriculum, Parlor Press (2005);
Susan H. McLeod and Margot
Soven, Writing across the curriculum: a guide to developing programs,
Sage Publications (1992);
and Anne J. Herrington, “Writing to Learn:
Writing across the Disciplines,” College English, V. 43, No. 4, 379
4 Edward F. Redish, “Problem Solving and the use of Math in Physics
Courses,” conference proceedings,
World View on Physics Education in
2005: Focusing on Change, Delhi (2005).
5 J. Tuminaro, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, Physics Department (2004).
6 Ding, L., Chabay, R., Sherwood, B., & Beichner, R., “Evaluating
an electricity and magnetism assessment tool: Brief electricity and
magnetism assessment,”
Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 2, pp. 010105-1-7