Jeff Jalkio portrait

Jeff Jalkio

Associate Professor
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
B.A. Physics, 1983

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1987
M.S. Electrical Engineering, 1985
B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1983
OWS 160C
(651) 962-5754
Mail Stop OWS 153
2115 Summit Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105-1080

My past research has been on optical metrology and the use of real time measurement and analysis for process control in manufacturing.  More recently my interest has focused on measurement uncertainty and how to deal with it.  This includes the fundamental sources of noise, error, and uncertainty as well as analysis and design of equipment and algorithms for reducing them.

Summer 2020 Courses

Summer 2020 Courses
Course - Section Title Days Time Location

Fall 2020 Courses

Fall 2020 Courses
Course - Section Title Days Time Location
ENGR 330 - 01 Microprocessor Architectures M - W - F - - 0935 - 1040

Days of Week:

M - W - F - -

Time of Day:

0935 - 1040


Course Registration Number:

44218 (View in ClassFinder)

Credit Hours:

4 Credit Hours


Jeffrey A. Jalkio

Introduction to computer architecture and implementation of architectural features in terms of digital logic. Hardware components and relationships between hardware and software are covered. Tradeoffs between architectures and design approaches are be discussed. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in both ENGR 230 and CISC 130

Schedule Details

Location Time Day(s)
PHYS 212 - 03 Classical Physics II See Details * *

Days of Week:

See Details

Time of Day:




Course Registration Number:

45770 (View in ClassFinder)

Credit Hours:

4 Credit Hours


Jeffrey A. Jalkio

Continuation of PHYS 211. Topics include waves and sound; electricity and magnetism; geometric and physical optics. The course meets three times a week for two consecutive periods consisting of integrated lecture, discussion and laboratory. The scheduled class meetings will be a combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction, with some asynchronous online instruction at faculty discretion. Students will be expected to be in-person for the first class period on Friday for tests, quizzes, lab demos.Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in both PHYS 211 and MATH 114 or 200 NOTE: Students who receive credit for PHYS 212 may not receive credit for PHYS 110.

Schedule Details

Location Time Day(s)
1335-1600M - W - - - -
OWS 1681335-1440- - - - F - -
1441-1600- - - - F - -
PHYS 212 - 03A Classical Physics II See Details * *

Days of Week:

See Details

Time of Day:




Course Registration Number:

47994 (View in ClassFinder)

Credit Hours:

4 Credit Hours


Jeffrey A. Jalkio

Continuation of PHYS 211. Topics include waves and sound; electricity and magnetism; geometric and physical optics. The course meets three times a week for two consecutive periods consisting of integrated lecture, discussion and laboratory. The scheduled class meetings will be a combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction, with some asynchronous online instruction at faculty discretion. Students will be expected to be in-person for the first class period on Friday for tests, quizzes, lab demos.Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in both PHYS 211 and MATH 114 or 200 NOTE: Students who receive credit for PHYS 212 may not receive credit for PHYS 110.

Schedule Details

Location Time Day(s)
1335-1600M - W - - - -
OWS 1691335-1440- - - - F - -
1441-1600- - - - F - -
PHYS 212 - 03B Classical Physics II See Details * *

Days of Week:

See Details

Time of Day:




Course Registration Number:

47996 (View in ClassFinder)

Credit Hours:

4 Credit Hours


Jeffrey A. Jalkio

Continuation of PHYS 211. Topics include waves and sound; electricity and magnetism; geometric and physical optics. The course meets three times a week for two consecutive periods consisting of integrated lecture, discussion and laboratory. The scheduled class meetings will be a combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction, with some asynchronous online instruction at faculty discretion. Students will be expected to be in-person for the second class period on Friday for tests, quizzes, lab demos.Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in both PHYS 211 and MATH 114 or 200 NOTE: Students who receive credit for PHYS 212 may not receive credit for PHYS 110.

Schedule Details

Location Time Day(s)
1335-1600M - W - - - -
1335-1454- - - - F - -
OWS 1681455-1600- - - - F - -
PHYS 212 - 03C Classical Physics II See Details * *

Days of Week:

See Details

Time of Day:




Course Registration Number:

48409 (View in ClassFinder)

Credit Hours:

4 Credit Hours


Jeffrey A. Jalkio

Continuation of PHYS 211. Topics include waves and sound; electricity and magnetism; geometric and physical optics. The course meets three times a week for two consecutive periods consisting of integrated lecture, discussion and laboratory. The scheduled class meetings will be a combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction, with some asynchronous online instruction at faculty discretion. Students will be expected to be in-person for the second class period on Friday for tests, quizzes, lab demos.Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- in both PHYS 211 and MATH 114 or 200 NOTE: Students who receive credit for PHYS 212 may not receive credit for PHYS 110.

Schedule Details

Location Time Day(s)
1335-1600M - W - - - -
1335-1454- - - - F - -
OWS 1691455-1600- - - - F - -

J-Term 2021 Courses

J-Term 2021 Courses
Course - Section Title Days Time Location